Welcome to CyberBreach.report! We live in a time where cyber incidents and breaches happen nearly everyday, however we only hear about the ones that get disclosed and/or make the news. Breaches happen so often it’s usually a matter of when a breach will happen, versus if one will happen.

CyberBreach.report is intended to be a repository of Cyber Breach Reports (CBR) that will provide a synopsis of recent disclosed breaches, information on the adversaries, and most importantly- advice on preventative and detective controls to combat these never-ending cyber attacks.

CBRs will follow a common structure to create consistency and provided the most value for cyber professionals, such as the following:

  • TL;DR (Executive Summary)
  • Who/What/When/Where/Why
  • Adversary
  • Flow of Attack
  • Advisory Bulletin

The intent of this site is not to cast shade on enterprises or agencies who have experienced a cyber breach or incident, but rather to help provide transparency through facts and data. More important, this site is intended to serve as a tool to help cyber professionals around the world to be better practitioners.

As the site is just getting started, there will be a limited number contributors to CBRs, however over time the goal is to open up submissions to the community. CyberBreach.report is based on the Hugo framework and therefore markdown files are how CBRs are created. Stay tuned for the announcing of a GitHub repo that will be public and a pull request process will be established in order to get content published.

Again, welcome to CyberBreach.report!